Fitting your new insoles is easy!
All you need is a pencil or pen and a pair of scissors.
If the shoes you are replacing the insoles for have the old insoles then:
- Remove the old insole
- Place on top your new dynasole, matching the edge of the heels
- Trace along the edge of the upper part of foot area
- Cut along your traced line
- Insert into shoe
- Repeat for other side
If your shoes do not have insoles in them:
- Place shoe on top of your Dynasole, matching heels
Shoe tracing - Trace along the edge of the upper part of the shoe
- Trim along your traced line
3. Slightly bend the Dynasole lengthwise and insert into shoe, making sure to get the toes all the way to the edge. If its too long, remove and trim along the edge until you get the fit right (never trim the Dynasole from the heel or lower portion of the insole). Sometimes getting the heel of the insole into the shoe then pushing it in an upward manner helps the insole slide right into the last centimeters of the toe box at top of shoe.
4. Once you have the fit correct, remove, place it on the insole for the other foot with both bottom-sides together, trace along the bottom of insole, trim.

Turn right side up and place into other shoe.